I retract the warning of this morning. Waves never got the extra pop and remain roughly head high through the high tide. Things got a lot cleaner and the wind is still light so come out and get some waves! 0.7ft low tide @ 18:45 will drain some size & add some bump but the juice should still be there.
Lumpy, Grumpy and Dumpy today. Light offshore wind and clear air under partly overcast skies. Low tide drained the size and waves are chest high to ~a little overhead. Expect size to go 1.5 to double that with the coming of the high tide. WARNING don't surf cron today unless you A) like a SERIOUS challenge B) Are a masochist OR C) are frothing for and can handle the rush of both catching and or getting pounded by big surf. It might clean up with the tide getting higher but the way the size will come back it'll just be that much more challenging.
photos @ 7:15 Photo of the day: Surf brought in a new buddy last nigth -- Let's call him Wilfred
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